After our morning full of fun, we all freshened up in preparation for the evening festivities.
This is one good looking couple (above & below).
Yes, I can easily lift & carry my much older brother.
He, on the other hand, cannot easily lift & carry me.
Sorry, I've had 4 kids!
And the Birthday Girl makes her grand entrance!
We were missing Noelle & Ashley. They were at home getting pretty.
We couldn't miss the opportunity to photograph the yellow shirts on the yellow couch.
Yes, mom ... we really do think that couch is comfortable.
It just needs to be a little bigger!
Before dinner, we took a quick look around the new City Creek Shopping Center in Salt Lake.
It's pretty amazing. These arches are retractable roofs that enclose everything during bad weather.
Paul looks good next to that car.
Everyone was checking out these fancy cars.
So Gregg & Matt dared me to start taking pictures of the sweeeet silver Subaru.
Of course I did it! The guy parking the cars said, "Really, you're going to pass up the Ferrari to take pictures of the Subaru?" I told him how much I loved these cars, especially the rack on top.
He said he wouldn't judge. Only in Utah! Gregg, you owe me 5 bucks!
On our way to dinner . . .
We had a lovely private room at the Copper Onion.
The food was excellent!
We gave the birthday girl a photo book full of picture perfect memories
she has created with her children and grandchildren.
Matt & Trish found an original photograph of Mom on Ebay.
It was taken at the Miss America pageant.
One of the many highlights of the night:
Ludd retelling the story of the time he was watching Cate and she had a poopy diaper.
Changing her diaper involved rubber gloves, plastic grocery bags & a gas mask.
After the ordeal was over, Cate said, "That's not how my mom does it."
Another highlight:
Since Jason couldn't be there, we decided to pay tribute to him by re-creating the walrus moment from Queenie's 60th birthday. Somehow we talked Gregg into doing it.
The desserts were also a highlight. Yumm!
In our family, we all know that the party isn't over until everyone tries to fit a glass in their mouth.
And everyone knows that Cat will always win.
We ended the evening with our amazing mother telling us how much she loves us . . .
but that Matthew is her favorite.
Paul is a big fan of these orange flags that are used to cross the streets of downtown Salt Lake,
so we put them to good use.
Ash & Mike say goodbye . . .
. . . while Paul solves the world's problems.
Actually he was talking about how the keys on mom's computer were sticking (according to her).
We said our goodbyes then took one last stroll around City Creek.
Mom, you have had quite a life and have lived it with your head held high.
You always bring joy to us and everyone around you.
You are fun and caring, helpful and compassionate.
We are beyond blessed to have you as our mother and friend.
Thank you for spending the day with us.
Our time spent with you is truly a gift.